LGA Bautechnik GmbH Bautechnisches Prüflabor

Detail informationen

Testing Laboratory

LGA Bautechnik GmbH Bautechnisches Prüflabor

Tillystraße 2, 90431 Nürnberg, Germany
D-PL-11117-01-00 | Issue date: 21.11.2023

Kurzschreibung des Geltungsbereichs

Prüfungen von Bindemitteln und Beton, Mörtel und Klebstoffen für Fliesen und Platten, Produkten für die Abwasserentsorgung sowie Natursteinen; Prüfung von Bauprodukten (System 3 zur Bewertung und Überprüfung der Leistungsbeständigkeit) im Rahmen der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 305/2011 zur Festlegung harmonisierter Bedingungen für die Vermarktung von Bauprodukten (Bauproduktenverordnung)

Short description of the scope (machine translation)

Tests of binders and concrete, mortar and adhesives for tiles and slabs, products for wastewater disposal and natural stones; Testing of construction products (System 3 for assessment and verification of constancy of performance) within the framework of Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 laying down harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products (Construction Products Regulation)
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Further accreditations

D-ZE-11117-01-00 | Issue date: 08.01.2024

Note on the certificate status

In addition to the currently valid accreditations, the database of accredited bodies also contains information on withdrawn and suspended accreditation certificates. The status of an accreditation is displayed in the search results. The filter “certificate status” enables a limitation of the search results.

  • Active: These accreditations are valid without restrictions.
  • Suspended: These accreditations are temporarily restricted, either in full (“fully suspended”) or for part of the scope of the accreditation (“partially suspended”).
  • Withdrawn: These accreditations have been withdrawn for the entire scope in the past six months.

Suspension or withdrawal of accreditation occurs, among other things, when an accredited conformity assessment body no longer fulfils the relevant conditions for accreditation, does not comply with the requirements placed on it, does not follow the accreditation rules or has voluntarily requested suspension or withdrawal.

The requirement to make the status of an accreditation publicly available results from the standard ISO/IEC 17011, which DAkkS is obliged to comply with.

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