The locations of DAkkS Berlin, Braunschweig and Frankfurt am Main

Here you can find all information about the DAkkS locations.

Headquarters Berlin

The headquarters of the German Accreditation Body is located in Berlin-Mitte.

Address and contact

Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH
Spittelmarkt 10
10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30 670591-0

Resident organisational units

The following DAkkS organisational units are located in Berlin::

  • Executive Board
  • Central services
  • Staff units
  • Departments 1 - 4
  • Accreditation service department

All essential information on the organisational structure of the DAkkS as well as on the respective fields of activity of the organisational units mentioned can be found here:

Organisational structure

Location Braunschweig

The DAkkS site in Braunschweig is located on the premises of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.

Resident organisational units

The technical units with a focus on metrology of department 1 are located at the Braunschweig site.

Link to more information

Location Frankfurt am Main

The DAkkS site in Frankfurt/Main is located directly at the trade fair grounds.

Resident organisational units

At the Frankfurt am Main site, there are technical units of DAkkS departments 2 and 3. All essential information on the organisational structure of the DAkkS as well as on the respective fields of activity of the above-mentioned divisions can be found here:

Organisational structure

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