Presentation of calibration results and the use of the DAkkS calibration mark

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Presentation of calibration results and the use of the DAkkS calibration mark

Document ID: 71 SD 0 025_e | Release date: 19.09.2020 | 2.45MB | PDF


The DAkkS document 71 SD 0 025 "Guidance on the Presentation of calibration results and the use of the calibration marks" replaces the DAkkS-DKD-5 and DAkkS-DKD-MB-5 documents. For calibration laboratories with an accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, the document 71 SD 0 025 is to be applied directly, for calibration laboratories with an accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005, documents DAkkS-DKD-5 and DAkkS-DKD-MB-5 can still be used at the latest by 30.11.2020.

Sample calibration certificates according to 71 SD 0 025 Annexes 1 and 2 will be provided electronically by DAkkS.

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