Technical Note for the Metrological Traceability in the Accreditation Process

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Document type: Rules valid, Information sheets

Technical Note for the Metrological Traceability in the Accreditation Process

Document ID: 71 SD 0 005_e | Release date: 01.02.2016 | 430.58kB | PDF


Rule 71 SD 0 005 is not up to date with regard to some references to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, as the standard is available in an updated version. However, with regard to the requirements for metrological traceability, the rule still reflects the state of the art. The basis for this is the international binding rule ILAC P10.

With the fundamental revision of the DAkkS set of rules, requirements for metrological traceability, insofar as they are not conclusively and completely regulated in the respective applicable accreditation standards (e.g. DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025), will be stated in the accreditation program to be published for each accreditation standard. For the accreditation of testing laboratories, the corresponding accreditation program has recently been published (R-17025-PL). This rule also contains the corresponding specifications for metrological traceability.

71 SD 0 005 is therefore no longer applicable for the accreditation of testing laboratories.

Until the publication of further accreditation programs for which metrological traceability is relevant, the “old” rule 71 SD 0 005 remains published and valid.

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